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Eid-ul-Fitr Queensland


Wednesday 1 October 2008



  Algester Mosque

  Australian International Islamic College

  Darra Mosque

  Gold Coast Mosque

  Islamic College of Brisbane

  Kuraby Mosque



Algester Mosque

(report by Yahya Hasham)

Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated at the Algester Islamic centre on Wednesday 1 October 2008.

Takbeer commenced at 6:45am, followed by a short Eid message to approximately 400 musalees by Ml.Yusuf Kandi.

The Salaatul-Eid was lead by Ml. Aslam and the Khutbah by Ml. M.Nawaaz.

Proceedings ended with Salaami and Dua.

After Zohar salaah, a potluck lunch was held at the centre.

Islamic Society Of Algester would like to wish everyone a beneficial Ramadaan and happy Eid Mubaraak





Australian International Islamic College

(photos and report by Adam Stewart)

The event in Durack at the Australian International Islamic College, formerly Brisbane Muslim School, was well attended with approximately 300-350 brothers and about 200-250 sisters.

People arrived early and parking was plentiful.

Takbir was led with grace and rhythm by a few senior brothers in the front row as the last few people arrived. The audio system was impeccable and there was no feedback or dropouts.

The allocated speakers kept pretty much to time and Imam Buksh gave a wonderful positively-focused Eid sermon about the qualities of Ramadhan.

Following the formal proceedings, a delightful brunch "curry and juice" was served to all. Those with work commitments during the day were still able to complete the Eid formalities, and traffic back to town on the Ipswich motorway was surprisingly pleasant.

Shaheed Khan and Sultan Deen address congregation

Brothers Out of Africa

Suzana Palmer with Sarah, Ayu and Jasmine Stewart


(name and photo removed by requst), Imam Quddoos, Imam Buksh and Mohammed (MK) Khatree





Darra Mosque

(report by Ahmad Khan)

Eid Salaat was also held at Darra Mosque.

The prayer was performed in the back car park of the Mosque and provision was made for the ladies in the pergola. Close to 1400 people attended the programme.

The program was kept pretty simple with the President Ahmad Khan welcoming the people and conveying the Eid message.

The rest of the programme was conducted by the guest speaker Mufti Faiyaz Mohammed Sahib from Fiji who gave a very inspiring talk.







Gold Coast Mosque

(photos supplied by Imam Imraan Husain)


Great photos with a Saudi flavour by Ziyad AlGhannam







Islamic College of Brisbane

(photos & report from independent sources)

The Eid Prayers at the Islamic College of Brisbane, Karawatha drew a large crowd of men, women and children.

At 7am there was still a long line of cars trying to get through the entry gates at the school.

Proceedings kicked off at 7am and formalities concluded before 8am.

The next few hours saw locals and visitors enjoy the food, facilities and social environment. An abundance of colour further added to the visual appreciation of the diversity in our community.

All in all, it was a good family atmosphere, with lots of smiles on the faces of the many kids in our community.




Kuraby Mosque (Wally Tate Park)

(photos and report by CCN's Man-on-the-Mussallaah)

Wally Tate Park, right alongside the Kuraby Mosque, served as the inaugural Eidghaar open air salaat. There were in excess of 600 men, women and children who attended the early morning prayer led by the Mosque's resident Imam, Akram Buksh.

The proceedings commenced at 6am and concluded by the end of the hour.

Many stayed back at the end to partake in the sweets and greet those whom they stood and prayed alongside over the past 30 nights.

Mustafa Kemal Omar delivers the vote of thanks on behalf of the Mosque

Spread of sweets

Ruqayya and Luqman Issadeen


Faizul Doola and Yahya Omar