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......a sometimes self-deprecating and occasional tongue-in-cheek look at ourselves and the world around us ......



Sunday, 19 April 2009

 .Newsletter 0232

News you won't find on CNN!




Interfaith Delegation in Istanbul and Rome

A delegation of 10 Muslims from around Australia and 10 Christians from the Melbourne Catholic Diocese and the Australian Catholic University are currently on a study tour of Istanbul's historical and religious sites.


After visiting places like the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia, the Topkapi Palace and Rumi's tomb in Konya the delegation heads off to Rome tomorrow to visit, amongst other sites, the Sistine Chapel, the Coliseum and the Vatican.


When in Rome they will be accommodated in a monastery during their seven-day stay there where they will meet with Tim Fisher, Australia's Ambassador to the Vatican and take part in a general audience with the Pope. 


Amongst the delegates on this two week tour, organized and sponsored by the Australian Intercultural Society, are Mr. Ikebal Patel, President of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Mr. Mustafa Ally of Crescents of Brisbane and CCN, Bishop Christopher Prowse, Prof Ismail Albayrak and other community leaders, academics and priests.


CCN gets Up Close and Personal with .......... Shummis Rane 

Shummis Rane
is part of the pioneering family that settled in Queensland more than a century ago.


He is the oldest child of well respected late Imam Abdul Raheem Rane. With his brothers, he established Queensland’s first halal chicken abattoir, ABD Poultry.


Shummis was elected this year as the President of the Muslim Business Network (MBN) which he has been a member of since its inception in 2005.


His most intriguing ability however, is his hobby of breeding race horses.


He may not be able to ride them anymore, but his passion for horses has always been his other full time job.

What is MBN?
It is an organisation of Muslim Business people and professionals which inspires and promotes activities that make a positive impact in Australia. We offer opportunities where our members can network with each other and the wider community. We also educate members about business, and we liaise with other Muslim associations.

What does MBN do for the community?
We have business meetings for members and we have speakers who talk on various topics related to business, health, Islamic issues, and other areas of interest.
During Ramadhan, we distribute dates for Iftar to mosques and universities. We also have the Gala Eid dinner. Last year we held our first Trivia night.
We also donate to government appeals in times of need eg. Bushfire appeal & Cyclone Larry.
If someone has a project that they need help with, we consider the project and if possible assist them. This year our main initiative will be that we are endeavouring to establish a Muslim Business Directory which will be printed, and distributed for free to Muslims. We are doing this to strengthen the community, because Muslims should try and engage a Muslim business person.

Why do we need a Muslim Business Network?
MBN was a natural progression from SAMAQ (Southern African Muslim Association Queensland) which was limited in its membership, to Southern Africans. We wanted an organisation that was representative of the broader Muslim community whose membership consisted of Businessman and professionals, to help the community when needed. The challenges facing the Muslim community in Australia are enormous. MBN, being a strong organisation with good links to politicians both at federal and state levels feel we can play a small role in highlighting problems related to Muslims and hopefully bring about a solution to some of the problems faced.

What are the advantages of being a member of MBN?
It’s a strong organisation with good links to the government. We put out a newsletters covering topics on the economy and to keep our members informed on other matters of interest, and also offer business advice to people who may want to start a business or need other business advice. We are also looking for investment opportunities for our members.

Where does MBN get its money from?
Donations from members.

When did you start breeding horses?
I have always had a passion for horses and I was breeding Arabian Horses for 20 years, and now I breed Thoroughbred race horses which I have been doing for the past 5 years now. I was also bred ponies at one stage, I showed them mainly, and won 17 times, and also 15 times Supreme Champion. We have 12 broodmares (breeding female horse) at the moment.

What do you do with them?
We sell about 8 yearlings (horse between 1 – 2 years) a year at the Magic Millions (Thoroughbred Horse auction at the Gold Coast) I have a property at Boonah used for breeding and rearing Foals. Some of our yearlings have been sold overseas to Singapore, Iran and Hong Kong.

A typical day for me is?
After Fajr, I attend to the horses, then try and get to work (at ABD) by 8am. I work up until lunch then I go home, attend to the horses again, or do some farm work. On the weekends we go to Boonah.

Do you ride them?
In my younger days I did, but not now.

Who has been your best performer?
We have had a good success rate with our horses. You can keep an eye on them on the internet, because the horses are all registered and you can tell where your yearling has gone. One horse called The Clandy Man Can won 5 local races.

Between, the chickens, the horses, and MBN do you have much spare time?
Not a lot.



1. You couldn’t pay me to.... change my lifestyle

2. How long would it take to sms a message....? (after a long pause) I’m not up to that.

3. What super power would you like to have? To go back in time. To see how the Holy Prophet (PBUH) lived.

4. I can’t stand the taste of... too much salt

5. I’m still better than my kids at?... common sense

6. What sport did you always want to play?...rugby league

7. Where could I find you on Sunday mornings?... with my horses

8. Around the house I am pretty good at?... cooking

9. At school I excelled at?... Maths

10. Did you like the cowboys or the Indians? ...The Indians, because they were the underdogs

11. You can’t get it anymore, but I really miss.... life at a slower pace

12. If you saw someone stealing would you do anything about it? Yes, I would try to stop them, or if I couldn’t, I would call the police.


Sharif Sheds Loads on Show 

Local Brisbane boy Sharif Deen has made it through to the semi finals in Channel Ten weight loss show The Biggest Loser.


Sharif who originally weighed 178 kg has so far lost an amazing 50 kg.


He made it back into the show last week, after being previously eliminated, by winning a challenge that required him to carry 140kg on his shoulders.


The show is drawing to a conclusion with only 10 days left for the finale.


Follow Sharif’s journey on The Biggest Loser, Channel Ten weeknights at 7.00pm and Sunday night at 6.30pm to see if he makes it in the final 4 and a chance to win $200 000 in the Grand Final.


House for rent 




4 bedroom house for rent in Kuraby
For more details contact 0400 205 786


Baba Ali – Commended by local Imams

Baba Ali, who stars in the upcoming ‘Not Just For Laughs’ fundraising event has stirred numerous responses from local community members, the most outstanding being the comments from our community leaders.


Imam Burhaan Mehtar, presiding over the Islamic school in Perth which boasts an impressive 2500 students, mentioned that Baba Ali’s videos were often used in their school assemblies and the like, to educate their students.  He also noted that it was an effective tool in doing so.  He was rather disappointed that Perth was being deprived of the benefit of having Baba Ali perform live.


Locally, Imam Akram from Masjid-Al-Farooq, the Kuraby masjid, had many wonderful words of admiration for the work Baba Ali is undertaking.  In stating that today’s youth become easily bored, especially when been taught about religion, Imam Akram mentioned, “Baba Ali offers an interesting approach that eliminates the boredom and attracts the youth, who admire his humour”.  He further added, “Every episode offers something to be learnt”, and “I support his efforts …for the better of the Ummah.”


‘Not Just For Laughs’, presented by Muslim Aid Australia and Muslim Women And Friends aims to raise public awareness and funds for the Gaza crisis, a highlight of which will be the ‘Gaza Update’, presented by Muslim Aid.


An event not to be missed, or as Imam Akram put it, “I strongly recommend all to take this opportunity to benefit from this event, and to support Gaza.”


Victorian Bushfire Appeal Funds Function


A cheque of a little over $12 000 raised by the Muslim community of Queensland was recently handed to Muslim Aid Australia (MAA) to forward on to the Bushfire Appeal. MAA issued the following press release at a formal presentation held in Sydney:



As the Victorian Bushfires Appeal comes to an official close this 17th of April, a $50,000 cheque, raised by various Australian Muslim communities under the auspice of Muslim Aid Australia, was presented to the Hon Laurie Ferguson, Federal Member for Reid and Parliamentary Secretary to Multicultural & Settlement Services. Acknowledging and appreciating both the substantive and symbolic value of the contribution he then presented the cheque to Red Cross NSW’s Executive Director, Mr Lewis Kaplan, who also expressed words of thanks particularly as the effort represented their tagline of “the power of humanity”:


“Thank you very much indeed for this generous gesture an important and significant amount of money.”


Lewis Kaplan also reported the latest on the Appeal and the Recovery effort, highlighting their relief at being able to revise downwards the death toll numbers from over 200 to 173, but still a tragic outcome together with 7000 homeless, 2000 homes destroyed, along with destroyed businesses and community infrastructure. Regarding the road ahead, Lewis Kaplan surmised that:

It will take some many months before reconstruction is completed, probably more like some years. We expect that the funds that have been donated will be mostly expended by the end of the year.”


Mr Iman S.I. Partoredjo, the Executive Director of Muslim Aid Australia said:

“The Victorian bushfires of February 2009 this year had shocked and shaken the whole nation. But so too had it galvanized us all, and revealed again, esp in times of such crisis, the moral fibre that binds us, as Australians, as Humanity”.


He went on to say that it:

“. . . had galvanized the Muslim community at large to share the grief for, and the call to, this national crisis: This was one domestic concern we could not ignore”.


The Hon Laurie Ferguson in his address at the function importantly stated that:

“it is those groups that go beyond their narrow limited selves, to the broader society, that i think get more respect from people. And the fact that you’ve done this . . . , the fact that you went out to people who probably include very few Muslims quite frankly in that population in rural Victoria, this is so symbolic to Australian society. It is so important not only because it is right, but it is important as a symbol of national acceptance. . . You gain so many points for the community that people see your activity beyond the narrow. So on those words thank you very much for this effort; it’s part of a huge national binding together activity, work, commitment, money from people. And it’s great to be associated. . .”


The various Australian Muslim communities participating in this effort were the Islamic Council of NSW (the umbrella body of the state’s mosques and associations), the Voice of Islam Radio (broadcasting from the Bankstown-Canterbury districts), the Australian Council for Islamic Education in Schools (the umbrella body of Independent Muslim schools in Australia), the Muslim Community of Brisbane, and the Muslim Aid constituency Australia-wide. Mr Khaled Sukkarieh, Chairman of the Islamic Council spoke with passion saying:

“Muslims like all Australians felt with their heart for the Victorians, and regardless of race or creed we wanted to work hand in hand with the relief effort”


Muslim Aid Australia is an Australian-based INGO (international non-government organisation) working in both disaster response and in long-term development primarily focused abroad. It is a signatory to the Code of Conduct of both the International Federation Red Cross/Crescent Societies’, and of the Australian Council For International Development (ACFID). ACFID is the umbrella body of Australian INGOs. Muslim Aid Australia’s operational ethos is to serve humanity irrespective of race, colour, creed, or political belief. Notwithstanding its international focus, the organisation has been increasing its attention to domestic concerns. One such other local initiative was with Sydney’s homeless in support of Mission Australia.


Get Engaged!

By Shaima Khan of MYServices 

Sick and tired of hearing anti-Muslim news?

Sick of media-led misinformation about things you are passionate about?
Think it’s about time your side of the story is heard?

In the half-day, hands on Get Engaged! Media Training for Muslim Youth on Saturday the 25th of April, the pros themselves will equip you with basic skills on engaging with various forms of media. Learn the tricks of the art of media engagement.

Anyone can do it. You don’t have to be an ‘extrovert’, or an expert or media-savvy.
The power to influence public opinion is in your hands (well, you never know!). You deserve to be heard!

Registrations are essential. Separate sessions for males and females. Open to Year 11s and up. Queries from the young at heart are also welcome. See flyer for more details.

David Busch Executive Producer, ABC Radio National
Val French Retired Journalism Lecturer, Media Trainer
Abdul-Rahman Keri Young Muslim Journalist


The AFIC Upcoming Elections

Nominations for the positions on the Executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils closed on 9 April.


Amongst the list accepted nominees for the position of President of the Council are Mr. Ikebal Patel (current President), Mr. Ameer Ali and Mr. Abbas Ahmed.


Complete list of nominations


Kotku Mosque in Dubbo 

By Abdul Haqq (Webmaster) 

Dubbo like many regional centres in Australia has an every increasing number of Muslims in areas such has medicine, accountancy, teaching and other professions. In addition Dubbo had a large abattoir producing halal meat for export, all requiring Muslim workers.

Dubbo is approximately half way between Brisbane and Melbourne making it a good place to take that break.

Dubbo is well know for the Western Plains Zoo and there is many other things for the visitor to see and do.

Dubbo is blessed by having a Mosque. Visitors are also welcome to use the Mosque at any time. All Muslims are welcome to come along and meet the locals.

To help both local Muslims and travelers we have started a website http://dubbomosque.org/ giving times of Salat, location and other visitor information. Please visit us.


CresWalk'09: The Countdown Begins!


Only 29 Days Left!

Sunday 17 May 2009

Orleigh Park, West End

Register online


Registration form

CCN Supporting Local Enterprise


Raeesa Couture invites you to an afternoon of exciting bargains on Saturday 25 April between 12.00-4.00pm

Ladies this is your last chance! Come in to see our range of eastern wear, costume jewellery, beaded jeans and much more! All stock must be cleared!



Creative Hands Playgroup with a Difference!



CCN Reader's Discussion Forum


Have your say on www.ccnforum.ning.com


CCN Readers' Book Club: You are what you read!


Would you like to see the cover of your favourite book on our book shelves below?

Then simply email the title and author to thebookclub@crescentsofbrisbane.org


Double click a book cover to find out what others think of the book


CCN has set up an online Book Club at Shelfari to connect with CCN book readers at:


Using the book club you can see what books fellow CCN readers have on their shelves, what they are reading and even what they, and others, think of them.

The CCN Readers' Book Club

Kareema's Keep Fit Column













WEEK 1 of our 4 week training program:

Please note that the following program is suitable for beginners.  For the more competitive or serious athlete, intensity, duration and frequency of exercises need to be increased!



DAY 1:

Walk for a minimum of 30 mins. (10 mins. at a moderate pace,  15 mins. at a more brisk pace and 5 mins. cool down / slow pace.



Healthy Tip:  Always keep your body hydrated - carry a bottle of water with you daily!


DAY 2:

Similar to day 1.  Increase your walking time by 5 mins. or more if you feel comfortable and include some hills as part of your course.


DAY 3:

Opt for some strength and resistance training (try a pump class if possible).  Ensure good posture and technique. 


DAY 4:

Get walking...the aim is to increase your time and distance!


DAY 5:

Active recovery -  Do an activity that you enjoy (low impact).  Include your stretching routine.


DAY 6:

Take on a more challenging walking course (steeper hills, etc.).  Always challenge yourself, but do not overdo it.  Listen to your body -   QUALITY rather than QUANTITY!


DAY 7: 

Have a rest, recover and get ready for week 2!


PLEASE NOTE:  The above training program assumes a healthy participant.  Those with medical conditions or who are not  already physically active, need to seek clearance from their GP before starting any form of exercise.






My Health and Fitness

Tel: 0404 844 786

(Accredited Member of Fitness Queensland)


Need an answer to a fitness related matter? Send your question to Kareema at  fitness@crescentsofbrisbane.org.

All questions sent in are published here anonymously and without any references to the author of the question.


KB's Culinary Corner


   Spicy Couscous Salad


1 ½ cups Vegetable Stock
1 ½ cups Couscous
250g Haloumi cheese
1 tsp olive oil
420g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
5 green onions thinly sliced
½ cup mint leaves, roughly chopped
2 red chillies, sliced

1 large lemon, juiced
2 tsp paprika
¼ cup olive oil
Salt and pepper

1. Boil the vegetable stock.
2. Place couscous in a large heatproof bowl, pour over boiling stock and stir with a fork. Cover with foil and let it stand for 5 minutes. Stir gently with a fork to separate the grains.
3. Cut haloumi into 3 lengthways. Heat oil in a small frying pan and cook haloumi for 1 to 2 mins on either side until golden brown.
4. Cut each slice of haloumi into 10 to 12 cubes.
5. Add to the couscous with chickpeas, green onion and chili, toss to combine.

Whisk all the ingredients together and pour over the salad.  

Do you have a recipe to share with CCN readers?
Send in your favourite recipe to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org and be our "guest chef" for the week.


The CCN Chuckle


Mula Nasruddin was visiting a town in Turkey when he came across a store with a shopfront displaying some of the most beautiful clocks he had ever seen.


He went into the store and offered to purchase one of the clocks on display.


The storekeeper said he couldn't sell him one because he didn't sell clocks.


A perplexed Mula Nasruddin asked the storekeeper why he was displaying clocks in his shop front when he wasn't selling them.




"I am the official circumciser in this town. What will you have me display in my shopfront!", came the reply from the storekeeper.  


Notice Board


Click on image to enlarge



Ladies High Tea

Baba Ali

ICoB Springfete


Mufti Umar in Brisbane

Muslim Youth Summit

Course: Road to Recovery

International Food Festival GC Mosque

Short Course for Reverts

GUMSA Seminars

Mufti Umar in Brisbane


Algester Mosque Fund Raiser 

Get Engaged

Media Training for Muslim Youth

Islamic Classes for Teenagers

IWAQ Swimming


AMAL Muslim Helpline

Islamic Book Exbition


The CCN Date Claimer







(Click on link)





25 April


Get Engaged Media Training for Youth


Darul Uloom, ^ Agnes St, Buranda

0402 529 395



26 April


Algester Mosque Fundraiser

Islamic Society of Algester

Logan West Community Centre, Wineglass Dr. BROWNS PLAINS

0403 338 040

2pm to 5pm

26 April


Ladies High Tea


Mt Coot-tha, Botanic Gardens, Lakeside Garden Cafe

0401 391 123


1 May


Not Just For Laughs - Baba Ali

Muslim Aid Australia in affiliation with Muslim Women And Friends

The Chandler Theatre, The Sleeman Centre

0405 448 045

7:30pm sharp

2 May



Islamic College of Brisbane

ICOB, Karawatha

0402 794 253

11am to 7pm

3 May



FAMSY & Gold Coast Mosque

Skirmish Paintball Action Centre,
321 Mount Samson Rd, Samford

0421 717 846

1pm to 4pm

10 May


Fundraiser Family Brunch

Islamic Society of Algester Ladies Auxiliary

Logan West Community Centre, Wineglass Dr, Hillcrest

0403 118 537

from 11am

17 May



Crescents of Brisbane

Orleigh Park, West End

0402 026 786

7am to 1pm

24 May


Muslim Youth Summit

MYServices & various organizations

Griffith University,

M10 1.30

0432 271 601

9.30am to 1.30pm

31 May



Islamic Society of Gold Coast

Gold Coast Mosque

0412 601 152

10.00 till late

19 July



Lailatul Me'raj

26 July


Mini Tennis Tournament

Shabir Elias

Griffith University, Mt Gravatt Campus

0415 467 868


6 August



Lailatul Baraat

22 August



Start of Ramadhan

16 September



Lailatul Qadr

19 September



End of Ramadhan

20 September




26 September


MBN Eid Dinner

Muslim Business Network

The Coffee Club, RNA Showground



26 September



Eidfest Committee

Mt Gravatt Showgrounds

0418 722 353

All day

3 October


QPS/EECQ Cup: 2009 Qld Multicultural football tournament



0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

3 October


Eid Dinner

Islamic Society of Darra

Darra Mosque, 219 Douglas St, Oxley

0418 757 157


4 October







0438 114 619

9am to 5pm

24 October


Breast Cancer Awareness

Crescents of Brisbane


0404 296 297


27 November




18 December



Islamic New Year


To claim your date for your event email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.




The ladies Taaleem programme this Thursday will be at the home of

Ayesha Goder
14 Persse Villa
 All Ladies Welcome!

Sunnah Inspirations


Contact: 0408 270 421

University of Queensland,
323 Hawken Drive, St. Lucia


Every Monday

Event: Weekly Learning Circle: Sharh Riyad-us-Saliheen (An Explanation of 'Gardens of the Righteous'

Venue: Prayer Room, University of Queensland

Time: 6.45pm to 7.30pm


Every Friday

Subject: Fiqh Made Easy

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 7pm to 7.50pm

Every Friday

Subject: Tafseer al Qur'an (Explanation of the Qur'an)

Venue: Room E215 Building 1 (Forgan Smith), University of Queensland

Time: 8pm to 9pm


Sunnah Inspirations is a non-profit organisation to cater for Muslim social support and supplying information to Muslims and non-Muslims.  They have been doing various activities around Australia, and have organised Da'wah information stalls at various universities in Brisbane.  More info can be found on their website above.


CCN @ Facebook


Catch Crescents Community News at


Please feel free to post an entry on our Wall, start up a Discussion thread and/or become a Fan.


Useful Links


Crescents Community News (CCN) Readers' Forum

 Discussion Forum & Social Network for CCN Readers

Queensland Muslim Historical Society Inc.

Promoting the study and awareness of the rich history of the Muslims of Queensland

Young Muslims of Queensland

Social network for young Muslims of Brisbane

Sunnah Inspirations

Providing information about Islam - its beliefs, culture, practices, dispelling misconceptions

Kuraby Mosque

Holland Park Mosque


Provide young Muslim women in Queensland with support and opportunities to express themselves

Gold Coast Mosque

New website

South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)

Muslim Womens' Convert Support Group (MWCSG)

Network of Muslim women converts from the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas of Queensland.

Australian International Islamic College (Durack)

Eidfest 2009

Kotku Mosque - Dubbo NSW



If you would like a link to your website email ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org.


Write For Us

The best ideas and the best feedback come from our community of readers. If you have a topic or opinion that you want to write about or want seen covered or any news item that you think might be of benefit to the Crescents Community please e-mail



Share your thoughts, feelings and ambitions for our community through CCN.


If there is someone you know who would like to subscribe to CCN please encourage them to send an e-mail to ccn@crescentsofbrisbane.org with the words “Subscribe Me” in the subject line.


Articles and opinions appearing in this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Crescents of Brisbane Team, CCN, its Editor or its Sponsors, particularly if they eventually turn out to be libelous, unfounded, objectionable, obnoxious, offensive, slanderous and/or downright distasteful.


It is the usual policy of CCN to include from time to time, notices of events that some readers may find interesting or relevant. Such notices are often posted as received. Including such messages or providing the details of such events does not necessarily imply endorsement of the contents of these events by either CCN or Crescents of Brisbane Inc.